


Author: Kushwant Singh

Post By: Utkarsh Khokhar

Delhi: A Novel by Khushwant Singh is a sprawling, epic work that tells the story of the city of Delhi over the course of centuries. The novel is narrated by a journalist named Arun, who is also a thinly veiled alter ego of Singh himself. Arun is a bawdy, aging reprobate who loves the city of Delhi as much as he loves the ugly but energetic hermaphrodite whore Bhagmati, whom he literally picks up from a deserted road on a hot Delhi summer noon.

Through his relationship with Bhagmati, Arun learns about the hidden underbelly of Delhi, a world of eunuchs, prostitutes, and beggars. He also learns about the city’s rich history and culture, which he shares with the reader through a series of vignettes and anecdotes.

Delhi: A Novel is not a conventional novel in the sense that it does not have a linear plot or a central protagonist. Instead, it is a tapestry of interwoven stories, each of which sheds light on a different aspect of the city. Some of the stories are historical, while others are contemporary. Some are serious, while others are humorous. But all of the stories are told with Singh’s characteristic wit and insight.

One of the recurring themes in Delhi: A Novel is the city’s capacity for both beauty and ugliness. Singh does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities of life in Delhi, including the poverty, crime, and violence. But he also celebrates the city’s vibrant culture, its rich history, and its resilient people.

Another important theme in the novel is the idea of Delhi as a melting pot of cultures. Singh shows how the city has been shaped by a succession of invaders and immigrants, each of whom has left their own unique mark on its culture. This is reflected in the diversity of the characters who populate the novel, including Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs.

Delhi: A Novel is a complex and challenging work, but it is also a deeply rewarding one. Singh’s writing is both lyrical and unflinching, and his love for the city of Delhi shines through on every page.

Here is a more detailed synopsis of some of the key stories and characters in the novel:

The narrator, Arun: Arun is a journalist who has returned to Delhi after living in England for many years. He is a cynical and disillusioned man, but he still has a deep love for the city. Arun’s relationship with Bhagmati helps him to see the city in a new light and to appreciate its beauty and resilience. Bhagmati: Bhagmati is a hijra, or eunuch. She is a complex and fascinating character who is both vulnerable and strong. Bhagmati is a survivor, and she has learned to navigate the harsh world of Delhi with wit and cunning. Alice Aldwell: Alice is the wife of an English civil servant. She converts to Islam to escape persecution, but she is still raped by her husband. Alice is a tragic figure, but she is also a symbol of hope and resistance. The Partition of India: The Partition of India in 1947 is a major event in the novel. Singh depicts the violence and chaos of the Partition firsthand, and he shows how it had a devastating impact on the city of Delhi. The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi: The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 is another major event in the novel. Singh shows how Gandhi’s death was a watershed moment in Indian history, and he explores the complex emotions that it evoked among the people of Delhi. Delhi: A Novel is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the city of Delhi and its rich history. It is a complex and challenging work, but it is also a deeply rewarding one.