

Inside Chanakya's Mind Aanvikshiki And the Art of Thinking(Non-fiction)

Author: Radhakrishnan Pillai

Post By: Tanishka Agarwal

Aanvikshiki is the Sanskrit word for the science of thinking. In his book “Inside Chanakya’s Mind: Aanvikshiki and the Art of Thinking”, Radhakrishnan Pillai explores the thinking process of Chanakya, one of the greatest thinkers and strategists of all time.

Pillai argues that Chanakya’s success was due in large part to his ability to think clearly and strategically. He was able to see through the complex political landscape of his time and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

Pillai identifies a number of key principles that underpin Chanakya’s thinking process, including:

1.Critical thinking: Chanakya was always questioning and challenging assumptions. He was not afraid to think for himself and come up with his own ideas.

2.Systems thinking: Chanakya was able to see the big picture and understand how different parts of a system interact with each other. This allowed him to develop strategies that were effective in the long term.

3.Strategic thinking: Chanakya was able to think ahead and anticipate the actions of his opponents. This allowed him to develop strategies that were one step ahead of the competition.

Pillai also discusses Chanakya’s views on leadership, decision-making, and crisis management. He provides practical advice on how to apply Chanakya’s wisdom to modern-day challenges in business and personal life.

Overall, “Inside Chanakya’s Mind” is a thought-provoking and insightful book that provides valuable insights into the thinking process of one of the greatest thinkers and strategists of all time.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

1.Thoughts are the root of all actions. We should therefore be mindful of our thoughts and choose them wisely.

2.We should not be afraid to question the status quo. We should always think for ourselves and come up with our own ideas.

3.We should think strategically and anticipate the actions of our opponents. This will help us to develop strategies that are one step ahead of the competition.

4.We should be able to see the big picture and understand how different parts of a system interact with each other. This will allow us to develop solutions that are effective in the long term.

5.We should be able to make quick and decisive decisions, even in times of crisis.

Pillai’s book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their thinking skills and become a more effective strategist.